WhatsApp Business API

Add the world's most popular messenger to your chat center!

Maximum message delivery speed

No latency – ability to send and receive 100 messages per second

Chat2Desk + WhatsApp

Combines the benefits of WhatsApp Business API with the capabilities of Chat2Desk

Name and check mark

Green check mark and brand name *: a company name is displayed in a chat instead of a phone number

* It can be provided through a request to WhatsApp Inc.

Message buttons

Add interactive message buttons to a message: the customer will respond with one touch

Use the buttons as a quick response or as a call to visit your website.

Service messages

Send service messages (troubleshooting status, ticket update, shipping update, etc.) with an open rate above 40%.

Contact us for guidance and to learn how to use the WhatsApp Business API efficiently.

Complete profile

Specify company information and customers will always know who is texting them

WhatsApp Business API is combined with all Chat2Desk features: contact us and we will customize a solution for you.


Frequently Asked Questions


How much does the WhatsApp Business API cost?

  • The monthly subscription fee is 8500 rubles. per month for the first and 5500 rubles. per month for each subsequent account.
  • The monthly subscription fee is 8500 rubles. per month for the first and 5500 rubles. per month for each subsequent account.
  • Sending an HSM template costs from 4 rubles. 80 kopeks and you pay only for delivered messages. We'll talk more about HSM templates below.

Account Verification

What is the benefit of having a verified account?

  • In the client-side chat, the company name, not the phone number, is displayed, even if the customer has not added their number to the address book.
  • The green check mark next to the account name inspires more confidence to the customer.

How can a company get a verification check mark and a letter name?

  • WhatsApp Inc. provides a green checkmark at its own discretion; as a general rule, only very large companies can count on it. However, any company can apply for verification.

Can I use the WhatsApp Business API without the checkbox and letter name?

  • Yes, even if your account has no verification, you can still communicate with customers, use HSM templates and add the address, website and hours of operation to your account information.

How can I verify my WhatsApp Business API account

  • Write to us in any messenger via the widget in the corner of the screen.


Can I send emails through the WhatsApp Business API?

  • WhatsApp Inc. allows you to send service messages to those customers who have given their verbal or written consent to receive them. At the same time, you can initiate communication only with an approved message, which is called an HSM template (HSM – Highly Structured Message). In case the customer replies to you, you can communicate with him free of charge within 24 hours from the moment of receiving the reply. After 24 hours, you can only continue chatting with one of the approved HSM templates.

What kind of response can I expect when sending messages on WhatsApp?

  • According to our data, on average 40% of customers reply to a message.

Message templates

What is an HSM pattern?

  • WhatsApp Inc. limits the content of text messages with which you can initiate communication with a customer (“Write First" feature) or continue the dialogue 24 hours after the last message from the customer. Such a message can be a pre-approved template (HSM). There is a charge for sending a template (see fees).
  • What data can I include in the template?

    • The template can contain customer name, operator name, order number, amount of money and other text variables. The template can not contain images.

    How does template approval work?

    • All templates must have prior approval from WhatsApp Inc. and must meet the criteria listed below.
      • The template may not contain advertising and marketing messages, discount coupons, promotional materials; such mailings on WhatsApp are prohibited.
      • It is forbidden to sell messages, messages such as “When can I contact you?", Upsells, surveys and statistical studies. The template may not contain insults, threats and extortion.

    How long does it take to approve a template?

    • Template approval takes up to 2 weeks. WhatsApp Inc. does not specify a specific time frame and reserves the right to reject templates during moderation.


What are the benefits of the WhatsApp Business API?

    • Delivering and receiving instant messages
  • Unlimited bandwidth.
  • Information on message status (sent, delivered, read).
  • Information on message status (sent, delivered, read).
  • Extended information about your company in the WhatsApp account properties (address, website, business hours, etc.).
  • All Chat2Desk features are available: operator groups, artificial intelligence, self-service menus, chat bots, tags, quality assessment, scripts, analytics, UTM tags, etc.

– What is a 24-hour window?

  • A 24-hour window is a period during which you can communicate with a customer for free using not templates, but arbitrary messages. The window opens in the following situations:
    • the client himself wrote to your company;
    • the customer replied to the HSM template that you sent;

    The window opens the moment a customer sends you a message. 24 hours after the last message, the window closes and can be reopened using any of the above methods. The frequency of sending templates is not regulated, but it should be noted: if a customer blocks your account, WhatsApp moderators can further disable your account as a source of spam.

– 📲 What phone number can I connect to the WhatsApp Business API?

  • You can connect any mobile, landline or virtual phone number capable of receiving a confirmation SMS message or a call. For 8-800 numbers and other virtual numbers, you must disable the IVR menu for the time of account confirmation.

– How to connect?

  • Write to us in any messenger via the widget in the corner of the screen.